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Contact us

The most important contact information of Business Finland Venture Capital Ltd.


Petri Serenius, Investment Director, Substitute for the Managing Director
Mobile +358 50 599 3683

Asseri Lehtiniemi, Investment Manager
Mobile + 358 44 536 1080

 Our email addresses are in the form

You can send us an encrypted email via this link.

The Board of Directors

Petri Peltonen, chair
Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 

Henri Grundsten, member
Development Director, Finnish Industry Investment Ltd

Kai Heinonen, member
CEO, Governia Ltd

Miki Lehtomäki, member
Finance and Adminstration Manager, Controller, Governia Ltd


Business Finland Venture Capital Oy is located in Ruoholahti, Helsinki.

Visiting address: Porkkalankatu 1, 00180 Helsinki
Postal address: P.O. Box 1014, 00101 Helsinki, Finland

E-invoicing address: FI4750000120301303
Operator: OP Corporate Bank Plc (OKOYFIHH)

Business ID: FI2592216-7


E-invoicing address:



Pohjola Pankki Oyj (OKOYFIHH)

Whistleblower channel

If you find Business Finland Venture Capital Ltd or an empolyee of Business Finland Venture Capital Ltd acting unethically or in violation of law, you can report your findings to the internal audit unit of Business Finland using the whistleblower channel.